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As soon as we returned the rental, we had a quick lunch and were off to window shop for canoes. Bill Jackson's in Pinellas Park was our obvious first stop. It is a fascinating store with infinite possibilities for every sport but canoeing. We were quite surprised to find out that they had discontinued canoes recently. The very friendly sales staff showed us many different kayaks, and then told us to check out Canoe Country if a canoe was what we really wanted.
Since it was Sunday and already 5:00, the search would have to wait for another week. We spent the week looking at used canoes online and canvassing friends on canoes vs. kayaks. Many preferred a kayak, but we felt a canoe would offer us more flexibility for bringing an extra person, staying dry, and plenty of room for a backpack - with our camera safely in a plastic baggie and many bottles of water.
Since it was Sunday and already 5:00, the search would have to wait for another week. We spent the week looking at used canoes online and canvassing friends on canoes vs. kayaks. Many preferred a kayak, but we felt a canoe would offer us more flexibility for bringing an extra person, staying dry, and plenty of room for a backpack - with our camera safely in a plastic baggie and many bottles of water.