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Brooker Creek Revisited

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We returned to Brooker Creek because of its close proximity to our house. The ramps are also easy to use even though you must share them with power boats. You can either pay 2 dollars to park without a trailer or 6 dollars with a trailer.

We headed right off the lake into the creek. Because of the heavy rains of thepast week however, the water was moving very rapidly. It was a strenuous paddle
before the overpass and almost impossible once you crossed under. There are not
as many pictures because it took all three of us to paddle.

We did manage to paddle almost to what I think is the end of the creek, but then decided to turn back. The canoe just flew down the creek and we only needed to steer until we hit the open water of lake tarpon.

We then paddled almost to the outreach, but decided to save that for another day.


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